Non-Uniform day Thursday 25th Nov in aid of SVP

Good morning Parents/Guardians


Non-Uniform Day - Thursday 25 November - £1 Donation to SVdP


The College will hold a Non-Uniform day for pupils on Thursday 25 November with £1 donations requested in aid of our Christmas SVdP Appeal.


Students can wear their own clothing but we ask that no inappropriate attire is worn e.g. crop tops, football tops or anything that may cause offense.


We are extremely grateful for all contributions which parents have already so generously submitted to our St Vincent De Paul Donations link and ask that this £1 Non-Uniform contribution is donated under the 'Non-Uniform SVdP Christmas Appeal' payment item on ParentPay.


Many thanks for your support and unfailing generosity on behalf of our SVdP Youth Group.


Yours sincerely


Mrs D Sheridan

Teacher Co-ordinator